A Day in OUARZAZATE AND AIT BENHADDOU: Pacific Cities of the Southeast

Ouarzazate and Ait Benhaddou are two cities located in the southeastern region of Morocco, known for their stunning landscapes and rich cultural heritage. In this video presentation, we will take you on a journey through a day in Ouarzazate and Ait Benhaddou, exploring the cities' unique history, architecture, and natural beauty.

Our day begins in Ouarzazate, also known as the "Gateway to the Desert." We visit the Taourirt Kasbah, a magnificent fortress that dates back to the 17th century. The Kasbah was once the residence of the Glaoui family, who were once one of the most powerful families in Morocco. We explore the Kasbah's intricate architecture and learn about its historical significance to the region.

Next, we head to the Atlas Film Studios, one of the largest film studios in the world. The studios have been used as the backdrop for many Hollywood movies, including Gladiator, Lawrence of Arabia, and Game of Thrones. We take a tour of the studios, learning about the movie-making process and exploring the sets and props used in famous movies.

After exploring Ouarzazate, we head to Ait Benhaddou, a UNESCO World Heritage site that is famous for its traditional Kasbahs and fortified villages. We visit the Ait Benhaddou Kasbah, a stunning example of Moroccan architecture that dates back to the 17th century. The Kasbah has been used as the backdrop for many movies, including The Mummy and Prince of Persia.

Next, we take a hike through the surrounding desert, exploring the rugged landscape and taking in the stunning views of the Atlas Mountains. The desert is home to a variety of wildlife, including gazelles, ostriches, and desert foxes. We learn about the unique ecosystem of the region and the challenges faced by those who live in this harsh environment.

As the sun begins to set, we head back to Ait Benhaddou to enjoy a traditional Moroccan dinner. We visit a local restaurant, where we are welcomed by the friendly staff and the smell of delicious Moroccan cuisine. We try some of the local specialties, including tagine and couscous, accompanied by sweet Moroccan mint tea.

    In conclusion, Ouarzazate and Ait Benhaddou are two cities that offer a unique blend of history, culture, and natural beauty. From the Taourirt Kasbah to the Atlas Film Studios to the Ait Benhaddou Kasbah, there is something for everyone in these amazing cities. We hope this video presentation has inspired you to visit Ouarzazate and Ait Benhaddou and experience all that these incredible cities have to offer.

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